January book club discussing “To the wedding” by John Berger at Jennifer’s home brought together ten book lovers (despite of three last minute cancellations ). Thank you Jennifer for being a wonderful host.
The club members rated the book from a couple of low fives to some eights and one nine, the average score teaching 6.8 /10 points .
Ruth who had read the book but had to cancel last minute , and whose valuation is not included in the numbers, sent me a message “ I really didn’t like the book at all. Two depressing books in a row !! “. - sorry Ruth!
Ladies - it’s all up to you - anyone who wants to host in the upcoming months with a lighter topic perhaps, please let me know .
The discussion topics were somewhat tricky this time, Suzanne characterized some of them being “very provocative”. Topics were picked up from the Penguin Books website. Everyone made their best effort to tackle their assigned question; thanks to all participants the morning resulted to be most entertaining - the discussion often strayed away to debate anything between local issues like Mt. Trashmore to rights to euthanasia - honestly I don’t know how we could cover so many very acute issues during our two hour club time. Thank you all ladies participating !
To the wedding
Jennifer 8
Kirsti 9
Jan 7
Barbara 8
Candy 6
Christine S. 7.5
Philippa 5
Lindsey -
Deborah Wray new! 6
Suzanne 5